TaiJi QiGong Course in English

6x as of January 19th 2019 9.30 – 10.30  a.m. 150 €

Suitable for beginners

Learn and practice TaiJi-QiGong

  • Improve your health and the flow of your Qi
  • Improve your body awareness
  • Feel more stable and resistant to stress conditions

Relax with a comfortable feeling, become clearer and more focused. Learn together in a group of like-minded people.

At the end of the course you will be able to practice independently at home. The course welcomes not only native English speakers but anyone who speaks and understands English.

Date and place: Saturday, January 19th 2019,  9.30 – 10.30  a.m. at Kolosseumstr. 1 (doin, 3rd floor) in Munich
No course date on January 26th !
Coach: Rüdiger Palm
Costs: 150 €

Book now


Book your course: www.qigong-yamin.com/kontakt or send us an email with your name, adress and phone number to LDuHP36+MKC\2g=9>3L_<DF?BK_]qpxTLCWRTQ